24th June 2012
Debs: Up and away on time, and I was pleased to see that the
hotel was on the road straight to the Bulgarian/Serbian border. We are
glad to be leaving Bulgaria, it’s depressingly run down, rubbish on the
pavements and packs of mangy dogs roaming about. But about 5 minutes
into our ride the lightening started and I could hear the rumbles of
thunder getting nearer, so we stopped and togged up in our wet weather
gear - just in time too, the heavens opened!
By the time we reached the border the rain had stopped and we were
beginning to warm up again as the grumpy Bulgarian guards stamped us
out. We pulled over about 100 yards into no-mans land in front of a
‘Bureau de Change’ to get some Serbian ‘slutties’ (or whatever their
currency was called). I clambered off the bike in front of the shop
owner who stood and watched me disrobe, which is no mean feat
especially when we also had the wet weather gear on, and then waited
for me to go into the shop.. it was at that point that he broke into
gobbledegook and told me the shop was shut. Why wait until then and
what the hell did he think I was doing? We were the only people around
for miles. Bless him!
On past another grumpy Serbian checkpoint guard and out into the most
beautiful countryside. We drove for about an hour enjoying the sunshine
and the views before stopping for a coffee in what looked like a
really run-down little café
The young lad there spoke good English (thank God), which he explained
he learned at school, it was sure a whole lot better than my Serbian.
We perused the lovely ’English menu’ and then enjoyed a great
breakfast of omelets with tomatoes, cucumber, fresh crusty bread,
butter, honey and coffee, and it only cost £3 for the lot.
Serbia was a real surprise, it’s beautifully clean with well-kept
houses and villages, a
beautiful rolling country flanked by huge snow capped mountains. At one
point we were riding along a gorge with high rock formations either
side, and passing through several short tunnels when it suddenly hit me
- I had been here before! When I was 19 I had traveled overland to
Cyprus, passing through what was then Yugoslavia and we had taken this
same route, a sight I would never forget, it was a very surreal
Lots of these, but it's a narrow road full of surprises! |
Onwards into Serbia with Dolly protesting violently that she wanted to
take us via Aberdeen and Penzance, so Steve said a very bad word and
turned her off! We stopped for coffee and petrol (at £1 a litre, the
petrol that is) and I bought a Serbian map to help us avoid Penzance
at least, and off we went again. So with my map sticking out of
Steve's back pack I directed him cross-country to our final port of
call for today, a small town called Kraljavo which is about mid-way
across Serbia.
We were booked in to the Hotel Technograd (should have known better
with a name like that), chosen because it has secure parking for the
bike, always a prime point in our hotel selection. Well, it falls
somewhere between ‘Psycho’ and ‘The Adams family‘. The first floor
landing is very wide, and each room resembles a shop front, huge
windows with a glass door to one side, and drop-down
(electrically operated
BTW, more later
metal security shutters, so if you don’t want to be locked in you have absolutely no privacy at all.
general layout is straight back from the glass front to a sitting
room, kitchenette and bedroom, with a bathroom to one side. There are
small high windows in the bedroom that overlook the roof, air
conditioning units and a wall about 6’ away.
We had also requested a non-smoking room, although strangely this one
came with several ash trays. The bathroom and indeed the whole flat had
obviously not been cleaned in a very long time.
There was a half used bar of soap with a crack in it on the dish, 2
half-used shampoo bottles, a dirty tooth mug and rubbish in the
cupboard, I was not amused at all. So off I go to the girl receptionist
and request another room - no problem, and we were shown to the room
next door.. perhaps a slightly cleaner bathroom, but the rest of the
place left a lot to be desired - be warned!.
The room had a ‘vibrating‘ chair so Steve thought he would give it a
go. He got himself settled and leant to turn it on, then leapt up again
as he noticed the transformer casing was broken and wires were exposed.
A fried bum would not be a good idea with a couple of thousand miles
to go! He has since videoed and photographed the state of the room to
pass it onto Booking.com.
*As an additional note, we closed the
electric shutters on the windows for the night and to the time of
leaving were unable to raise them again.. thank God I didn't do the door
shutters as well, we'd still be there!
We also found a hotel booklet which at least bought a smile to
our day, it appears they have a resident dentist who will do a root
canal filling for 20 euros, and only 65 euros for gangrene, but we don't
know whether that's to give it to you or treat if you have it!
'Scratch' the dog! |
As I'm writing this a somewhat rat-baggy puppy has wandered across for a
fuss.. I have a feeling that I'm going to regret making a fuss of him
but hey.. I've had my rabies jab!
Steve: It’s alright for Debs to enjoy the Easy Hotel and the
nice scenery up through Serbia, but I’m itching and scratching ‘cos my
side of the bed (right hand and usually Debs side) had bed-bugs! Bliddy
bites are driving me mad.. A couple of glasses of wine and an
anti-histamine sounds good to me for tonight. Please God let this one
be at least clean, it’s costing enough! (That was obviously written
before we took the room, I'm doomed for disappointment at £70 a night!)
On to better things -
Isn’t it sad, I’m very happy with life ’cos I’ve managed to find a jet
wash for the bike, it was looking really scruffy and not it‘s normal
state at all. But after an hours work it’s all clean and shiny again,
ready for tomorrows long slog ( 8 hours I think) into Montenegro. to
meet up with my old friends Alec and Bridget, so hope to have a nice
break for a few days before the next leg up the Adriatic coast of
This holiday is going way too fast, 16 days, 2600 miles, and loads of fish, wine and laughter!